Saturday, February 2, 2008

Boys are stupid and mean and petty and smelly and.....(you get my drift!?!)

you know I think that boys are stupid and somehow, no matter what I try to do I end up with regection.
that seems to be my word for today, regection.
I had finally gotten back in to being on Lava, and lo and behold, here's Chris, an Electrical Enginering student (whatever that means) at the University. Lots in common with each other and he was cute in a geeky nice kind of way.
well we chatted and sent e-mails and then he writes that the next week or so is really busy but that he'd like to meet me after, sure ok. I can understand that, a masters program must be really busy.
And then nothing. I tried really hard to even really worry about it or tell anyone, because Murphys law, as soon as I say something it goes up in flames.
Turns out its just me, not even if I say anything at all.
I go the "nicest" its not you its me regection e-mail today.
DAmn it all, he dumpded me before I got a chance to bone him!
I am going to delete everything from lava. Its not working out for me there.


Jenn & Owen said...

Damn, Woman, you aren't having any luck at all, are you?

Melanie said...

I think you mean to say "rejection", not "regection".

Either way it still sucks. But we're here for you and we love you dearly.

And there is always next summer in Germany. I just have this weird feeling that you are going to end up meeting the perfect guy while you are overseas somewhere. **My gut feeling does not specify that it is going to be during your sister's wedding trip.**

hang in there. He's out there somewhere. :)