Monday, April 16, 2007

The turkeys half done, chicklets!

So half done the exams and am looking forward to its completion. I made such an ass of myself today! The pressure got to me just as I was starting the practical in functional anatomy. I blanked and couldn't remember a thing. I had to find 4 things and do 1 ROM ( range of motion) and 10 minutes to do it in. I really wanted to cry when the professor kept asking me "are you sure?, is there another way to do that? and Talk me through it Jocelyn." She was really helpful and I did eventually get everything figured out but did I feel like a shumck! I had relatively easy land marks to find and just in case you were keeping score, I had to find (on my patient) her Pisiform, her Infraspinatus muscle, her Iliac crests and her peroneus brevis tendon. then had to do her external ROM in her shoulder. trust me as far as things that could have come up it was on the easy side, right up until I tried to find infraspinatus and couldn't remember how. man that was my down fall and as soon as I got nervous everything else was toast. But in the end with coaching from the prof and a few subtle hints from my patient everything was done and now I get to look forward to tomorrow, which will come with its own rant I'm sure. Jenn thanks to you for the hit of reality last night. It really helped and thank you for that!

1 comment:

Jenn & Owen said...

No problem, and any time Babe.