Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things that bust by butt

So Nicki ( my sister) has, since I moved back home, gone on and on about how we are now living together and we are more like room mates. we all have to pitch in, right?
Well lately I have been feeling like the go to girl for shit that needs to get done around the house, dishes, taking charlie out cleaning the house. and its most frustrating because if I say something to any one it sounds like I'm being petty and selfish.
But really Nicki was actually home for dinner tonight and ate with us as a family and once again my father and I got stuck doing dishes. Nicki plops her self down on the couch and ignores the racket I was making in the kitchen as a hint for her to come and help.
how many times did we argue over that same scenario with out positions switched???
I realize this could be Karma coming back at me but it still really burns my butt and I hate that I feel like this.
Its not that I feel that one of us works at our jobs harder than the other, but we do still live at home and we are still room mates as she put it. so why does she get the free pass on this kind of shit and I don't?
I think I am going on strike here!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We all feel like maids at certain times. Others pick it up at different times.

Isn't Charlie "your" dog? Or is he a "family" dog?