Thursday, September 20, 2007

Things that go....

cars, boats trains, ect....
myself, I think I am GOing crazy. I have an exam on Monday and I haven't really studied. I have an Internet course to work on and I hate it! internet courses SUCK.
I have more fun talking to Christine or Jacinthe or Janice or Tanis at school. we play speed scrabble or sevens and totally ignore the fact that if you fail a course, you can't graduate. so here I am typing on my blog, not working at what I should, but I could care less.
Money is running out and I can feel that its gonna be a tight one this Christmas. If I was smart I'd be shopping already but even that feels like work and I'd rather not.
( OMG !!! call the ambulance, Jocelyn not wanting to shop!!! that's sick)
I think I need a change of life/pace. school can't be done soon enough. I think I'm going to travel as soon as possible after I'm done. not just on vacation (though I'm doing that first) and then maybe finding work over seas (Europe) and seeing how that works.
oh and that other change that is needed well, involves a guy and even though that's not new news, its wearing on me.
Nicki is bugging over something and I have no idea. I think she has more issues than she is willing to admit too. the other day she freaked at me (big time) over a glass of juice. and well it just doesn't seem right

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